Monday, July 22, 2013

#1 No Facebook, Happier Me.

I'm old fashioned.  My phone is a flip phone, no texting and no jack to put earphones in my phone.  I still laugh at people when they tell me they can't live without their phones or texting their boyfriend/girlfriend and I just respond to them " Really? I can't relate, I actually like not having a phone that rings every second." People always asked me " When are you going to upgrade your phone?" 
I just respond with, " If I had the chance to, I wouldn't even want to upgrade it." 
"Because I could care less if my phone flips, slides, is a touch screen, or has amazing apps, as long as my phone rings and calls, I'm happy"
"Oh, I see."

So.. I guess you're wondering what my title means. 

On July 12? I think, It was mid- July, I made a bet with my friends that I can give up Facebook until 2nd semester and while I was at it, I gave up Uploading Youtube Videos, Instagram, and Tumblr. All of my friends, not even my boyfriend believed I could do it, so I told them I could. It's July 22nd, and I haven't been on since. And let me tell you this, I feel like a different person.

Everyday, I use to wake up and breathe social networking. I don't know if this blog thing counts, but I wanted to keep track of my progress in the meantime. I'm probably going to only post blogs every month or every two weeks, who knows. Anyways, I use to breathe Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Uploading Videos. But ever since I stopped, I've realized how much time I have for myself. Usually on Facebook, I'd be laying in my bed doing nothing and waiting for one notification, now that I think about it, I WAS REALLY SAD, like no life SAD. Hahaha. I remember how many people I had to talk to and how all of them had issues and I was so overwhelmed by other people's problems that I would ignore mines. But ever since I stopped, I could do things I enjoy. Art, Singing, Exercising, Reading, Watching K-dramas, and SLEEP. Oh dear GOD, it feels so good to sleep. Anyways, I'll update you on my life next time! :) So far, no social networking has really made my frowns turn UPSIDE DOWN! ^.^

Goal Weight: 105-110 lbs
Goal Happiness: 10
Height: 5'0
Weight: 131 lbs
Happiness Level 1-10 : 10